Clubs and Hobbies
A club is an association of two or more people united by a common interest or goal. A service club, for example, exists for voluntary or charitable activities; there are clubs devoted to hobbies and sports, social activities clubs and political clubs, and the like.
Here, at the Lawrence School, Lovedale we offer a variety of clubs that the pupils may join. A pupil is expected to be a member of at least one club. This helps them to learn to work together as a team and teaches them the importance of collaborative contribution.
Many of our pupils will go on to join elite clubs in the future including various Round Table chapters.

About Aero Modelling:
Aero modelling is the art of designing, building and flying miniaturized aircraft using various methods. One can build a model plane from any material like Paper, Thermocol, Balsa wood and the like. It is both a hobby and sport; the hobby aspect involves building and assembling model aircraft, and the sport aspect involves the flying of the same........Read more

Carnatic Music
Carnatic Vocal Music Club
Indian Classical Music is steeped in history and tradition. Indian Classical Music has two branches – Carnatic Music in the South of India and Hindustani Classical Music in the North.
The Carnatic Music Club in our School vibrates with the divinity of this music although it has only five very keen pupils in the.........Read more

Model United Nations
The United Nations is designed to make possible lasting freedom and independence for all its members - Harry S. Truman
Faculty Members
Ms. Nidhi Misra

Piano Club
Playing piano has an overabundance of benefits. It improves the intellectual and the cognitive skills. When pupils play piano both hands perform different jobs at the same time. This requires good coordination between the right and the left parts of the brain. Our pupils are taking to their piano lessons with great fervour and concentration.
Faculty Member
Mr. Ravikumar

“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.” - Carl Sagan
Faculty Members
Mrs. Shashikala Mani
Mr. Gothandaraman

A simple guide for class V students
Lawrence School, Lovedale 2019
Solid Waste Management – made simple for Children
Trashonomics is the study of solid waste and its environmental, health and financial impact.
Trashonomics is designed and set .......Read more

Art Club
Art makes people optimistic about their future. It can be used to help spread messages of inspiration, making people achieve great things in life. Art can be a form of communication between people to focus on common issues for the betterment of humankind. Inspirational paintings are the best form of creative art.
Art is also very important to young children. It provides them with a path.........Read more

‘In chess one cannot control everything. Sometimes a game takes an unexpected turn, in which beauty begins to emerge. Both players are always instrumental in this.” - Vladimir Kramnik
Faculty Members
Mr. Jitendra Kumar Sahoo

Nature Club
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” - Albert Einstein
Faculty Members
Mrs. Shashikala Radhakrishnan
Mr V. Karthikeyan

“I love anything quiz related.” - Natasha Hamilton
Faculty Members
Mr B. Suresh

Social Service
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Mahatma Gandhi
Faculty Members
Ms. Christy Alphonsa

A school’s pride lies in the quality of its students. A student’s quality lies in his or her character. A good character is built by education and moral values. Good education is incomplete without good handwriting. Good handwriting not only helps in developing a good personality but also in better learning.
With a common goal, The Lawrence School, Lovedale introduced the functional......Read more

“I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.” - Isaac Asimov
Faculty Members
Mr. S.K. Sharma, Mrs. Latha R.

The Lawrence School’s campus, spread over acres of greenery, hills and dales, is a photographer’s paradise! It is only natural for our young photographers to capture the beauty of their beloved campus through the lens. The Photography Club, one of the most popular clubs in the School, helps our young enthusiasts pursue their hobby under the guidance of their teacher, Mr Regan. The pupils are........Read more

Let's not kid ourselves here, robots already run most of our world. We'll be their butlers soon enough - Eric Stoltz
Faculty Members
Mr. Sherpal Singh Chand

Trekking Club
The Lawrence School, Lovedale, introduced the Trekking Club in March 2019.
Aim of the Trekking Club
The aim of the Trekking Club is to encourage our pupils to enjoy nature and the scenic views of Lovedale by walking in the woods or forest and may be climbing.......Read more