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Senior School

Senior School

Nestled in the lap of the awe-inspiring Italian Gothic styled architecture of the main school building houses the Senior School. The Senior School ideally refers to the boys of Classes IX, X, XI and XII, though the Senior School building also houses the classrooms of both boys and girls of classes IX to XII and the School’s administrative offices, besides the dormitories for the boys.


The Senior School is divided into four Houses – Aravalli, Nilgiri, Sumeru and Vindhya. Each House of about 55 boys is headed by a Housemaster who is supported by an Assistant Housemaster. The pastoral care of the boys has a meaningful contribution made by two Matrons attached to the Senior School and a Support Staff of four Dormitory Assistants or ‘mateys’.  The four Houses live in a healthy competitive spirit with each other, guided strongly by their House Mottos. While Aravalli’s “Firmness in Action” competes strongly with Nilgiri’s “Deeds not words”, Vindhya’s attitude is seen in their Motto of “Courage and Faith” with Sumeru finding strength in “Discipline, Duty, Decency”. The House system is strongly supported by the Prefectorial system. The Prefectorial body comprises the Head boy, Vice Head Boy and Prefects of the four Houses who are chosen from amongst the senior boys of class XII. Qualities of leadership and responsibility are imbibed in these young boys at an early age, preparing them to meet decisive challenges of an adult life with sense and sensibility! The prefects share a great rapport with the Housemaster and House students and assist in the smooth running of the day to day activities of the House.


A typical day in the life of a Senior School boy begins with rouse at 05:30 am. It is followed, after a hot cup of tea and bun, by a cross country adventure through the lush green surrounds of a over a 700 acre campus, with the natural music of a Laughing Thrush or the Indian Blackbird egging one on. The cross country is also alternated with military training.


A sumptuous breakfast keeps the students fortified for the academic classes that follow. While the boys in class X are exposed to a combination of Languages, Science, Mathematics, Social Science and Computer Science, the boys at the +2 level have a Commerce, Science or Humanities combination to choose from. The afternoons are a ‘no-siesta’ time as Hobbies and Club activities or a practical class keeps the lads busy. The early evenings are perfect to catch up on the physical rigour of a Football game equally matched by other sports like Hockey, Cricket, Basketball, Tennis, Badminton or Squash. A few are beckoned by the Equestrian field and yet others make a mark with Archery.


The sweat and grime washed off after a hot shower has the students in the right frame of mind to spend some meaningful Prep Time under the watchful eye of Prep Duty teachers. And before one calls it a day, after dinner and second prep with lights out at 10:30 pm, are some moments of camaraderie spent with friends and housemates. 


The three years at Senior School are a culmination of the years spent by a ‘Lawrencian’ (as boys and girls of the School are called) at the Lawrence School, Lovedale. With character and integrity engrained into the psyche of these young adults they leave the portals of the Senior School, ready to face the challenges of the outside world with a spring in their step and a song in their heart, gently guided by the ethos of the School motto - ‘Never Give In’.

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