The Lawrence School, Lovedale offers a wide array of activities, both artistic and performance-based.
Our students are expected to take part in one activity or more to hone their creative and execution skills during the year. Displays of these activities are showcased during the Founders Day exhibitions. Alongside our excellent academic performance, our students make exceptionally talented artists and crafts people.

The band is an integral part of Lawrence School culture. Every year, the band is expected to put on an exemplary display of their skills for which they train tirelessly. The Band Master has had the distinction of being part of the Republic Day Parade for a decade and a half.
Faculty members
Mr. K Yona Kumar
Band Master
Favourite Quote: "Practice makes a man Perfect"

Pottery inspires the creative genius possessed by every individual . We help create an environment that initiates creative problem-solving. To galvanize young people to enjoy the pride and joy of working and cooperating with others help children express themselves so they can find their own creative paths. The youngsters learn to mould their decisions, accept inaccuracy thus developing personally.
Faculty members
Ms. Swayamprabha Purnna
Pottery Teacher
Favourite Quote: “Life is Beautiful”

Dance touches the lives of thousands of people everyday. Indian dance uses every part of the body including the face and eyes. We focus on physical training and the mastery of the body. Our students train hard and perform widely.
Faculty members
Ms. Sabitha
Classical Dance Teacher

The role of the guitar—and music for that matter—in academia has gone through incredible changes in the last 50 years. Today you can learn modern and classical guitar techniques right here on campus, and for those aspiring musicians who think a six-stringer is still out of their reach, think again!
Faculty members
Mr. Prashanth Sebastian
Guitar Teacher

We offer you the opportunity to acquire the traditional skills associated with hand embroidery and develop these skills into statements of personal, independent creative expression.
Faculty Members
Ms. Swayamprabha Purnna
Needlework Teacher
Favourite Quote: “Life is Beautiful”

We provide a fun and professional environment for students to learn to read music and play the Piano. We offer quality Piano instruction and our students have achieved various grades in their Trinity College examinations.
Faculty Members
R. Ravikumar, ATCL Piano Recital in Trinity College of Music, London, Grade 8 Piano in ABRSM, London, Grade 5 Electronic Keyboards in Trinity College of Music, London, Theory of Music Grade 5 in ABRSM, London.
Piano Teacher
Favourite Quote: “It’s not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it’s what you put into the
practice, which does.”

Before the written word, Sculpture was one of the ways our ancestors were able to convey their religious beliefs, their views on the world around them and the things that they felt were most important. The Lawrence School, Lovedale has always focused on honing ways in which students tell stories through shapes and characters. We work with Clay, Plaster of Paris and Metals.
Faculty Members
Mr. Reganraj
Sculpture Instructor

Vocal Art
A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song - Chinese Proverb
We think there's nothing sweeter than a singing voice and our talented Vocal Instructor couldn't agree more!
Faculty Members
T. Edwin Manoharan (DTE, Certificate in Vocal Training - Opera)

Take two distinct sets of yarn, interlace them together and... Voila! You have your very own towel, napkin or if time permits, your very own bed sheet!
This is one of the crucial survival techniques your child may pursue that we're sure will be an experience he or she will cherish for life.
Faculty Members
Murali Dhanagopal (B.com, DFA, DCA, PGDIT, MBA)
Handloom Weaving
Favourite Quote: "To be perfect in the work I am assigned"

Faculty Members
Sangeetha Jairam
Yoga Teacher
Favourite Quote:
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" - Ralph Waldo Emerson"

We foster the excellence of upcoming artists. Creativity varies from student to student and our faculty aims to bring out the best of their artistic talents.
Faculty Members
Mr. Purnna Behera, M.F.A (Painting)
Art Teacher
Favourite Quote: “Not every day is good. But there is something good in everyday".