Model United Nations (MUN)

MUN - St. Stephen's College, Delhi
The school delegation comprising 22 students participated in the St. Stephen’s MUN 2017 from 27 to 29 January in Delhi.
Mr Shiv Shankar Menon, former National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of India, an alumnus of St. Stephen’s was the Secretary General of the St. Stephen’s MUN and inspired the students to consider a career in the Indian Civil Services during the opening ceremony of the event.
The event provided considerable exposure to our students who went head to head with college students in the conference. The event was deservedly won by the Lady Shri Ram (LSR) College. Although our students did not bag any prizes, their chutzpah and courage were lauded by the Executive Board of the States Reorganization Committee who were delighted to see grade 8 students discuss politics.
The committees were engaging and our students participated enthusiastically. The takeaway for our students was the unparalleled exposure they received and their courage in participating in the University level competition.
Our School's delegation participated in the TRINSMUN 2016 conference which was organized by the Trivandrum International School under the aegis of the Round Square from 5-8 November in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Our children have done us extremely proud. The results are as follows:-
Best Delegation - The Lawrence School, Lovedale shared with Sarla Birla Academy, Bangalore
United Nations Security Council
1) Best Delegate - Mariyam Mayan (11 C)
Press Corps
1) Best Reporter - Niharika Sinha (11 C)
2) Outstanding Performance - Chaitanya D A (10 A)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
1) Honourable Mention - Dorjee Wangchuk Namgyal (8 A)
2) Honourable Mention - Nandini Bhattacharya (8)
It has been a wonderful learning opportunity for the students.
Out of our delegation strength of 28, only 1 student had previous MUN experience. In our first attempt in 2016, our School has bagged the Best Delegation award and the path of MUN success has truly been paved.
MUN at Bangalore
Three inspiring days........ At the MUN at Christ Junior College,Bangalore between 29-31 October 2013. A team of 6 students (J.Ragini, Pranav Rawlani, Jaggananath, Roy Gomez, Billal Muhammad, Rishi Eashwar) representing Portugal and Thailand travelled to Bangalore to participate in the programme.
Three weeks of preparation which was interspersed with classes, sports, exams, tours and most importantly limited Internet time, and finally the group was ready with their position papers. A selection of a final group of students was made and then another country was allocated to us on our request by the Christ College.
Parental approvals in place, travel plans finalised, Tickets booked, wardrobes organised, shopping completed and the team of 6 students and 2 teachers boarded the night bus to Bangalore on 28 October 2013.
The next three days saw active, hectic and hard discussion among the 300 delegates from 30 schools/ Junior Colleges on complex issues such as Nuclear terrorism, review towards NPT 2020, Turkish uprising, EU sovereign debt crisis, militarisation of the Indian Ocean etc. These were only some of the hard issues discussed by the young students. Inspections, military support, compensation, humanitarian aid, were discussed and the resolutions drafted and passed by the majority vote.
A crisis situation was injected in the proceedings on the second day where each committee was informed of an international conflict situation that demanded immediate attention of the diplomats. Regular proceedings were put on hold, while the members discussed and attempted different ways in which the situation could be resolved -
within the UN charter. Different options were weighed and each country member responded to the situation from the perspective of their own country. Finally a resolution was drafted to diffuse the crisis.
The three day programme was very well conducted by the team at CJC and the quality of discussions was of high standard. Most of the delegates were well versed and experienced in the art of MUNning and were able to discuss, negotiate, argue and demand to be heard. Our team was quiet and overwhelmed with the scale of discussion and depth of information in the other students.
It was a huge learning experience and each student took much away from the programme - in terms of learnings, exposure, networks, decorum, discipline, and research required. They also learnt about global politics and different approaches to resolve the same. The art of strategy was evident and the methods to win over partners and build
alliances and partnerships was appreciated. Drafting of resolutions, reorder of resolutions, sponsor and seconding of the resolutions were terms that flowed out of the teams with ease and comfort.
At the close of the three days, it was a win- win situation for everyone involved. Everyone returned with something new learnt, and to appreciate. Well done MUNners....... the world will be in better hands in the future - or if we listened to our youth's ideas, dreams and aspirations for a peaceful world.